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Smart Solution for Traffic Signal Prioritization in Public Transport

Your need

  • As a city transport company, you are still using analog radio data transmission for Traffic Signal Priority (TSP) and are planning to migrate to a digital radio system.
  • As a regional transport company, you use public mobile communications as a communication system and would also like to use this for a TSP system.
  • The transport companies in your area use different radio systems. You want to prioritize everyone equally at traffic signals.
  • You would like to know how your TSP could look like in the future.

Our solution

We have developed a universal digital-analog standardized evaluation and reception unit (DANAË). With our DANAË, analog and digital radio signals can be received, decoded and processed at simultaneously and forwarded to a traffic signal control unit via standardized interface.

DANAË possesses these properties:

  • Software Defined Radio (SDR) – flexibility for to future changes or expansions
  • Processing of analog radio data (VDV standard, NEMO etc.)
  • Public transport telegram transmission via LTE (incl. signal delay compensation)
  • Remote maintainability possible with internet connection (use of a SIM card)
  • Interfaces to traffic signal manufacturer (Yunex, Swarco, Dresden-Elektronik)
  • Hardware delivery as a 19-inch rack module or for mounting on DIN mounting rail


Our other services related to traffic signal optimization:

  • Support in planning of communication and operational control systems
  • Development of C-ITS equipment concepts for vehicles and infrastructure
  • Simulation of complex traffic light system nodes with TSP for public transport
  • Support in planning and maintenance of data for traffic light reporting points
  • Development of acceleration concepts for transport networks

Your contact:

Dr. Alexander Bunzel a.bunzel@vcdb.de