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At VCDB’s locations in Dresden and Berlin there are more than 80 highly qualified and dedicated engineers with different areas of expertise, as well as economists, geographers and technicians with specialist knowledge and practical experience, all of whom are committed to giving our customers the best possible service. Interdisciplinary thought and action are the basis for successful teamwork and collaboration with our clients.
What is more, VCDB has an almost unique combination of backgrounds among its personnel. We work in close cooperation with our shareholders, Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG (DVB AG) and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG AöR). This partnership enables us to draw on the human resources of both these large enterprises and to reinforce our core teams with specialists for particular projects as required. This is of benefit to everybody.
On the following pages we should like to introduce our employees to you. They are the people who enable our company to operate and to prosper – and they are the people you will meet.
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